U.S. Government
- American FactFinder
your source for population, housing, economic, and geographic data
- U.S. State & County QuickFacts
includes data for cities and towns with more than 25,000 people in the United States.
- Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
current Federal spending and revenue; macro forecasts
- STAT-USA/Internet
a service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is a single point of access to authoritative business, trade, and economic information from across the Federal Government
- CIA World Factbook
detailed macro data of countries and districts around the world
- National Center for Education Statistics
is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis
GDP and components, personal income, survey of current business, regional data, input-output analysis
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
CPI, PPI, Unemployment Rate, Employment Cost Index, productivity and cost information, labor force statistics for the current population, and monthly labor review
- National Statistical Abstract
“The Statistical Abstract of the United States, published since 1878, is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. “
- Foreign Trade Statistics
data on all U.S. imports and exports from Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau
- TradeStats Express
enables individuals to retrieve, visualize, analyze, print, and download (US) trade data. This site will also generate custom-tailor graphics, data tables, and thematic maps using the latest annual trade numbers. It is perfect for researching national and international trade statistics.
- Edgar – A Database of Corporate Information
performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Its primary purpose is to increase the efficiency and fairness of the securities market for the benefit of investors, corporations, and the economy by accelerating the receipt, acceptance, dissemination, and analysis of time-sensitive corporate information filed with the agency.
United Nations
- Cyberschoolbus Nations Compare
a two-step database interface that allows you to view and compare statistical data for the Member States of the United Nations
Educational & Research
- University of Michigan Library Documents Center
statistical resources on the web
- NBER Macrohistory Database
The NBER Database includes extensive economic data (including production, construction, employment, money, prices, asset market transactions, foreign trade, and government activity) collected by the NBER from the pre-WWI and interwar economies.
- Useful Data & Databases in MySQL and Excel
This is a collection of some very useful databases containing data of rarity value: geographical, historical, biographical, people, reference, countries, cities, books, medical, businesses, sports and so forth. These databases are very hard to come by and generally the best of their kinds you can find online. Great for educational and research usage because of the quality.
- Ohio State University Financial Data Finder
Search with keywords accounting, banks, equity, fixed income, mergers, risk management, derivatives, personal finances, international finance, consulting, employment, real estate, market and economy, exchanges, commodities, venture capital, investments, and financial institutions; and in various data types as historical data, quotes, links, news, software, reports, and research.
Search by country, region, and topic
Federal Reserve
- Economic Data – FRB Dallas
a number of statistics that track the southwest regional economy and the U.S. economy, and links to international data sources
- FED Economic Data
a database of over 3000 U.S. economic time series, you can download data in Microsoft Excel and text formats and view charts of data series.
Other Organizations
- FreeLaunch
Find free economic, demographic & financial data in a wide range of options.
- CountryReports.org
detailed and structured data of countries around the world
- NationMaster
interesting source of economic and other kind of statistics from around the world illustrated
- The Public Register’s Annual Report Service
The Public Register’s Annual Report Service (PRARS) provides annual reports free of charge on over 3,600 public companies trading on the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, and OTC exchanges.